"The Bachelor sucked this year. I wanted to staple Melissa's lips together so she would stop moving them around. Jason's kid looked like a spider monkey and Jason cried more than a 13 year old at a Jonas concert. Hey Jason, hows your vagina?"

"I'm not done yet, hey, up here. This Twilight shizz has got to end. Beyonce looked like a cow at the Oscars. Hugh J. is finer than a peach from Carolina.

"Chris B, Rush L, Miley C and Pamela A need to be dumped into a volcano. Rachel Ray needs a muzzle. Cats rule dogs drool. Ellen in Oprah out. Jon Hamm is finer than a beach in Carolina. Ok losers, that's it for now."

Thank you Fatness. This is the best Caturday post to date. (I will be seeing Watchmen - although I'm sure it won't be with my wife.)
That cat is quite prophetic and wise beyond it's years. I wonder why he perches on top of the door? Silly kitten.
Beyonce looked like a cow in fancy drapery. Sorry Big B.
Have you watched Australia yet????
No I have not. I did just discover though, that Hugh J, Ryan Reynolds and Tim Riggins are ALL in the new Wolverine movie. I shall perish from the hot overload.
HOLY HOTT OVERLOAD. That is too much. I can't imagine Tim Riggins in anything else but FNL. He needs to always be white trash, it's his calling.
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