I guess going sleeveless in Congress for your husband's first important speech is unheard of? This is why I love her so completely. She is doing D.C. HER way, and how refreshing it is! Newsman Jack Cafferty has admitted to having a crush on her,
"My Crush On Michelle Obama" hell, I have a crush on her. His commentary is spot on.
Her official portrait.
She is so cool that we need a new word for her type of cool.
You don't go sleeveless in DC in January because it is F-ing cold! Who is paying to heat the place anyway? I just hope she was wearing white shoes...that would be a true fashion statement and they would match the white pearls.
Sorry...i'm pissy...and I have really ugly arms.
Love Jack's article - and totally agree with it. Michelle is fabulous... and I'm totally envious of her arms.
Michelle O's style is really in a class by itself. I love her moxy.
Ditto. Michelle Rocks.
(Sorry- that was me, above. I forgot to log out of Justin's account...)
I'm one of your blog stockers. I saw your husband on TV this morning. Congratulations to him on making Maryvale safer!
LOL to Ty being compared to a spider monkey and the thirteen year old crying at the Jonas brother's concert. haha. How do you feel about Molly though? Why didn't he choose Jillian??? And can some nice man see Stephanie (the sweet widow) on t.v. and make her his wife please?
Let us hope that the Bachelorette proves to be better, Jason disappointed.
p.s. I think the 2 Michelles should team up, she could do a lot with you on her board of trustees.
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