My sister Chris is amazing, just look at these party favors. She pulled off a kick ass 2nd Annual Premiere Office Party.
Look closely and you will see Meredith, Andy, Pam, Phyllis and a very sour Angela.
Eri & Zach did not come in costume, because they are lame.
Chris has an amazing collection of Halloween Cats, for which I am jealous and kept returning to this table to see what I could take without her noticing.
Chris won best costume. Her wig might have been passed around.
Sween was mostly interested in eating, she didn't find any of us the least bit amusing. She called us "lame nerds that need to get a life."
I'm just glad you all came!! I had a blast.
How lame that I haven't even blogged about this yet! I think I'll just link to yours.
You better not have stolen any of my cats. I'll have to nab your witch(es). I think I collect candy corn memorabilia next, I'm not sure why.
Caca and Zach had the best Pam and Jim ever a couple of years ago and now they cannot be bothered to reprise that performance.
I just noticed your sidebars...LOLOL. Sween can also see Mexico, she is almost overqualified for VP.
Oh, come on guys.... relocate to the northwest so we can all party together. I just don't think I could take the oppressive heat and colorless-ness.....
This sounds liks a blast...
So much fun! I might just link to your post as well, Chris' pictures are much better than the ones I got. Our Jim/Pam costumes cannot be beat, we set the bar too high for ourselves. Also, we're lazy. Thanks again Chris!
LOL- that is HILARIOUS. I love this idea. And I love that people came in costume. Erica and Zach are dorks for not coming in costume. Wasn't the first episode classic?
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