
Before and After

This was taken this morning. Fatness had a grooming appointment at 11:00 am sharp, he wasn't very happy about this and howled all the way there. We were greeted by a very sweet diminutive Asian boy, I instructed him to give Fatness the "Lion Cut" but keep the head area trimmed.

This would be the after picture. Fatness was HOWLING as the sweet Asian boy delicately walked through 3 dogs being groomed. I gave him a $10 tip and asked him how he did. "Werr he is velly raid brack for cat." Poor Fatness did a faceplant all the way home. He would not look at me.

Ahhhh the finished product, he loves his refreshing new cut.


Anonymous said...

I like his new look, and I'll be he does too in the suffocating heat of Arizona!

Will he be attending the wedding? If so, what will he be wearing to signify his status as a member of the wedding party?

Michelle said...

Yes, he will be attending. He is best man of course, and will be wearing a tuxedo bow around his neck.

Ashley Rae said...

Cute little Fatness. He looks so handsome with his new "do".

Anonymous said...

Fatty needs to tell Stella that one of those lion cuts isn't so bad. She is one big hairball.

Case said...

The best part of the cut is the poof at the end of the tail. Fatness was created for people to rest their eyes upon.

Michelle said...

Yes, Casey we are in complete agreement. Malia said she found the cut "disturbing."

PA-lurker said...

That was so worth the $10 tip. You sweet Amelican rady.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, I keep checking your blog to see if you have any pre-wedding posts, love your cat, but love your Erica more. Do you need any last minute help? I know it will be perfect.