Get up at "zero dark thirty" (as Tim would say) and make my way to this.

Greet my fellow under-paid associates and sit here for 8.5 hours.

After a mind numbing day of ensuring carpal tunnel syndrome, I might do some shopping for my mother.

At home, I might agree to Fatness' demand for new "Stuff on my Cat" submissions.

Then Tim comes home and tells me about his "great day!" and how he is basically saving lives, kicking ass and taking names and changing an entire community while lowering crime rates. Then I consider taking my own life.
I thought those "Day in the Life" books were riveting. But overrated. Michelle, most everyone's days are spent just like yours, and I don't even know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. You KNOW you wouldn't want Tim's job for a million dollars, even though he does make a difference and God Bless Him for what he does every day.
Besides the drudgery and the cat and Mom who are clueless except for their own needs, your wonderful children and whiny younger sister appreciate every little thing you do, and are glad you have that sort of life so you aren't too busy for us to be a big part of yours.
Whoops....I meant for the posters name on that entry to be "Wal-Mart Super-Shopper". I hit enter to soon.
I wouldn't want Tim's job for $2million. But I wouldn't mind $2 million. I think with $2 million in the bank, I'd probably be spending my days in more enjoyable pursuits....
My days consist of dragging myself out of bed (my dreams are often far more entertaining than my waking life... last night Jon Stewart gave me a really warm, amazing hug at my grandma's house on 7th east) and then sitting at my computer for hours on end. I break it up with trips to the kitchen and bathroom - and an occasional excursion to the post office. If I'm really adventursome, I spend an hour or so wandering Molbaks.
It sounds like we need to start planning our next girls trip as soon as you've got mom moved back to Utah!
I looks like you work with a really diversified group of blockheads.
I especially like the green folks. That is what color I turn when I think of getting a job.
Job Prospect of the Week: Bingo Floor Director or Dollar Store Manager. YIKES.
Oops ... start that with It not I ...
It's agreed then, we all lead boring lives.
Chris, you are not whiny. Alli, we do need a trip. Eek, don't need a job.
LOL- I love the lego work display :)
At least you still have your good looks and fabulous sense of humor.
What about San Diego...
You don't want to hear about my dull days. But I will say that about half the time I don't get out of my pajamas until noon.
Ashley can you just email me uplifting sweet compliments every morning?
Kris, wearing pj's all morning sounds heavenly.
We can't ALL be Tim. And as we read, Allison wouldn't want to be him for $2M. Can't you guys coordinate your departure times so Tim can give you a police escort to work? That would liven things up, eh?
As for cubicle hell: I just got a new job and will be freed from my 5x5 prison. Details soon.
Congrats Mike! I want to hear all about you have a new job to match your kick ass Jaguar.
I hope you don't mind me leaving a message...I also was raised in Holbrook, actually born and raised, I graduated in '73. I have just spent an hour reading all your seriously crack me up and boy do I remember those green stamps and I just sat and visited with Grace Mckinnon two weeks ago, I wished I'd known to offer my condolences for her dry vagina.LOL You are sooooo funny.
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This post is "likeable"? Congratulations, Michelle, just what you were going for, I'm sure. Is there an official name for blog spam? Blam? I think you have been blammed. Lucky you.
mmmmmmmm...blogspam ...drool...
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