I'm pissed. No really. I hate this f-en writers strike, it has forced me to read books I have put aside for years and have meaningful conversations with actual living people, not me yelling at my t.v. screen when Dr. McDreamy considers getting back with anorexic sappy Meredith. I'm actually cooking dinner and really listening to Tim when he is explaining to me how precinct homicide statistics have gone down this quarter. I'm walking around my house taking inventory of what tasks need to be done, like cleaning out Griffin's stinky bedroom that has dusty "Suns" t-shirts hanging in it from the Charles Barkley era. Yesterday, I started cleaning out my laundry room when I stopped in mid-dust bunnies and broke out into a cold sweat, stupidly asking myself "what if the writers never come back?" I fell to my freshly scrubbed floor and started to hyperventilate... "TIM TIM come quick" I croaked. He efficiently took inventory and knew the words that would comfort me. He soothed me back from the cliff, softly whispering things like "there will be a new Grey's Anatomy, Dr. McDreamy is still doing operations and does live." When the color started returning he quickly added "LOST is just around the corner... Sawyer is tanning on the beach and Jack is off crying somewhere" I started to breath again and he gently said "American Idol is showing previews, remember?" I was back.
You ARE back! So very back. And just in the nick of time.
Lol. The writers will be back...but when. I chuckled at you saying that you have to talk with living people.
Thank the mighty heavens for LOST and Sawyer and Jack's tears of frustration....he's going to get back to civilization and realize there are no new episodes of The Office and take Oceanic right back to that Island of Misfit Toys.
But, I KNOW, I actually read books and listen to my family now. Please, writers...come back!!!! America can't resume it's idiotic fatassery without you!
Michelle, I'm so glad Tim was able to revive you.... give me a call and talk to this living person before the writers strike ends and I can't pull you away from the tv!
Thank heaven for Project Runway, SciFi and USA network : )
We're a few weeks into Project Runway on Bravo (the only reality show I can't miss), StarGate Atlantis starts new episodes on SciFi tonight, and Psych starts it's new season next week. I love that show.... so funny....
The only show I've REALLY missed during the writers strike is Jon Stewart and the Daily Show... this is prime humor time for him - middle of an election season!!! COME BACK JON!
Lost is a huge one... and I am T.O.ed that Heroes was cut short- I am totally going through withdrawals... I can't wait until we can watch good TV again.
I have resorted to season pass-ing The Nanny because of the lack of tv shows on. Mr. Sheffield is no replacement for McDreamy or Jim.
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