Already at 5 I had mastered the "oh really you are taking my picture, I had no idea" look. What a smart cap and pea coat set I'm wearing. Don't question why I'm wearing a mini in 30 below weather.

This is the famous neighbor's house were I bartered for things I wanted with pulling down my pants. I found making mud pies while wearing sponge rollers to be fun.

People notice the effort here. I was trying to bring sexy back in 1st grade. I was so ahead of the pack, look at those red tights combined with my Picasso printed smock AND holding my cat. I could have been Warhol's muse.

I know, I know it's too much. Look at that crisp checked dress combined with my Mary Jane shoes while properly holding a croquet racket. Now look at my dumb ass brother swinging his like a baseball bat, can you see the comtempt in my eyes?

My mother created this costume using a Butterick Pattern, some hanger wire and a lot of cursing, you can barely make out my wings at the sides. Ok, I know scuffed penny loafers don't work here, just shut it. Focus on that blonde flip angled perfectly at shoulder length, all conquered at 8 years old.

Yes, this was my Jan Brady look. I did it with a hard right part, a snap barrette and a lot of 12 year old moxie. My cousins only wish they could pull of those knee socks, losers.

That last picture is my favorite because Jeri is actually slightly overweight and Scott looks like he stepped right out of That 70's Show, but better. You ARE Jan Brady--the kneesocks! Not many could pull those off. The Nelson girls were never attractive children, were they.
This post makes me even more jealous that you all got to be young together. :/ Oh well.
-Twisted Sister
Yes, the cousins had some rough years. I like Jeri's double shirt look and LOL to Scott.
You have MANY pics you could post where you played make believe with all those stuffed animals.
I didn't interact much with Jeri and Scott, all they did was tease me and chase me into the bathroom.
LOL this is amazing. Those OUTFITS. I don't even know what the costume is supposed to be, a fairy? My favorite is the one where you're holding the cat like a folded pair of pants over your arm.
LOL Caca, folded pair of pants, totally. We always had cats in Holbrook, they bred like monkeys left and right.
Yes, what was that costume? And didn't you have to hold your teacher's hand because you were scared of all the other costumes? LOL.
I updated my lame-o blog, too. Some pics of Cedar on there. (yawn)
Sis S
I was a butterfly you fools! I have no idea why I was even wearing it, it wasn't for Halloween, maybe a fabulous Holbrook elementary school play.
Yes, it was in Kindergarten that I found all the costumes to be frightening. Griffin had the same tendencies towards Halloween.
I think I changed my mind, the first pic is my favorite because Mom is young and pulling a ridiculous face, G&G Nelson are in the pic and Jeri's hair and outfit are PRICELESS. It's just too much.
Love it.
You failed to mention the white flocked tree with dark green Christmas light wires and 4 ornaments.
I am LOVING these pictures Michelle, and you were seriously the cutest child ever! those outfits are too die for! Makes me wish that I could wear mini skirts and not look like a man.
Milly Vanilly
Malia it's all making perfect sense now. Erica gets her classy taste in attire from me.
Good to hear from you, now get your ass back to Arizona where it belongs.
Lol, I know I know. It needs to be done post haste!
Those are some fun pictures, your face in the one with the "butterfly" outfit reminds me of Griffin (thats a compliment Griff) I see beautiful Holbrooks lurking in the background too. I gotta get out my scanner, my family has some amazing hair-dos - we definately dont have the "style" you are sporting though.
Vonda I'm glad you noticed the gorgeous Holbrook backdrop. Yes Griffin has a little of me in him, I just wish I had Erica's legs and not mine.
Nothing beats circa 1960's pics!
I'm afraid my "waterfall" hairdo outdoes them all : ) My mother thought it was so glamorous, and I bought into it... and then everyone in class at church (including YOU) made fun of me.
LOL.... One day I'll find and scan a photo of that.....
Alli, there will be a post completely devoted to us, it's in the works. I wish I had a pic of your waterfall hairdo.
I can hardly wait for the Alli years....
You look absolutely adorable in every one of these photos. And I see your special relationship with cats started at a young age.
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