I started out with her one mile and have worked up to the 4 mile. I started out with 5 pound weights and now use 8 pound weights. I can do 35 girl push ups and about 20 sit ups and have discovered some muscles in my back and arms that I never knew existed. I lost 8 pounds.

To mark my new found energy I talked Tim into going on a hike with me yesterday. It was a 1.5 mile hike and probably moderate difficulty. In the past I would have huffed and sworn my way to the top or not have gone at all, but I did have to smile a little as I easily maneuvered the hike and even led the way while my athletic husband was breathing a little harder and having to stop a little more.
Wow! Congratulations. Finding a workout regime I can stick with is so difficult. I usually give up after a month. Haha.
You look fabulous. A genuine milf.
Good job sista. You have always looked great, no you look even better. lol to Tim huffing and puffing.
And you are right, it all goes down from here, OY. Good for you.
Excellent! Good for you! Perhaps a bit of your motivation or inspiration will break of a head toward Washington where Allison & I can tap into it. At least, I'm hoping that will happen.
Way to go! I'm all for simple, no scaring or screaming. I just googled Leslie and she has a friendly, colorful website. Good chi.
I'm with Kristin, hoping some of that motivation and dedication will wend it's way to Washington.... I'm far too young for my body to feel so old.
I hate exercise, but these tapes won't make you feel like you are exercising. She starts you out easy, I did the one mile until I felt good enough to move on. I also like that in most of her tapes she doesn't have super-fit types of people, they look like regular people :)
P.S. LOL to milf! Ashley, if I had abs that looked like yours I would walk down main street in my bra.
Chris, thank you.
I love it! You are doing so good and you look fantastic.
Now go set that overdue doctor's appointment. Now.
Daugther intention are good but, post 50 doctor visits always suck!
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