
A Thursday Timeline

6:30AM Made some hot chocolate and harvested my crops and fed my employees because the real world exists on the Internet.

8:30AM Insisted Erica finish our online Scrabble game where I kicked her ass.

9:30AM Watched a Netflix movie "Coco Chanel."

12:30PM Made Tim take me to lunch and take me to Wal-Mart, I told him he had done homework long enough.

1:30PM Watched The Amazing Race on my DVR.

2:30PM Insisted Erica start a new online Scrabble game, where she kicked my ass and gloated for 2 hours about it.

5:00PM Fed my Restaurant City employees again and watched Maru videos.

The remainder of my evening will be spent watching the Olympics and pretending my day was filled with vastly important tasks.


Chris said...

Sounds like a perfect day to me. And very much like my own. :/

Erica said...

I see you skimmed over my WIN. I shall be giving it the attention it deserves on my blog.

Wasn't the women figure skating amazing last night!!

allicat said...

I just have to ask what the hell are you doing going to Wal-Mart? That place is evil. Have Tim take you to TJMaxx or Target or the mall :)

Women's figure skating WAS amazing.

Michelle said...

Walmarts is indeed evil and full of many discounts...sorry Alli I will mend my ways.

Ashley Rae said...

I love days like those. I would like more of them. They don't come often enough.