
Happy day 6

I'm in love, sorry Fatness. This cat is amazing, he's the kitten that has a fetish with boxes. This is his latest video, please please watch to the very end where you will see his exquisite fat little head popping up, this made me laugh very very loud.

I believe God put animals on this earth for our sublime happiness, especially cats. Today I told Tim that Fatness has an air of royalty about him, and he said "a royal pain in the ass."

Where would we be in this often cruel life without our dear animals? Yesterday morning Tim and I sat outside drinking our coffee on the patio. There was a cool morning breeze and the sweet smell of roses wafting around us. We watched 2 beautiful soft grey doves hopping around on the lawn looking for bugs and a small bird up in my orchid tree chirping the most interesting song. A dragonfly buzzed over my head on his way to my orange tree, and sweet Fatness was at my kitchen window meowing at me to let him out. There are moments in life that render complete happiness, if we will just slow down and listen.


Ashley Rae said...

LOL!! I absolutely love that video. It looks like someone is throwing him out of the box. And his head popping out at the end? Adorable.

Chris said...

He is FATTTT and I love him! I love how he stalks the offensive box like prey and it must be conquered. I want to squish him.

Your backyard is a haven for all birds, it is very bucolic and pastoral. Maybe you should put some feeders out? We'll get you those big bags of seed from Walmart....

allicat said...

That is priceless. I burst out laughing when he jumped into the box.... over and over.... and then out of the box. He's fabulous.

One day I will need to see your lovely back yard in person.... though preferably not from May - September.

Michelle said...

I tried hanging a birdfeeder, and my backyard became a scene from Hitchcock's "The Birds" it was frightening how many were fighting over the feeder!

So I took it down.

allicat said...

Sounds like you need several feeders! : )

Momo-Xoxo said...

Ok so I know I'm a little late seeing this but that was AMAZING!!! I love that cat! he is perfect... or should i say purrrr-fect :-)

(I love puns)