After that, I went home and proceeded to celebrate my awful day with the perfect afternoon.
3 episodes of Mad Men.
1 bag of Cheetos.
Fatness at my side.
After that, I spent the better part of my day pretending I was living in Manhattan and that I was Don Draper's sexatary. We left the office to have cocktails and cigarettes in a dark booth. He told me he was leaving Betts for me. I softly whispered "alright Don" and then I slowly stood up so he could appraise my pencil skirt and heels with his eyes, I gently took his manicured masculine hand and we walked off into the land of skyscrapers with his arm around my waist. End scene.

LOLOLOL I have no comment. Except I want my tub to be filled with Snickers.
I need to start watching MadMen!
Haha! I love that Don says he wants to live eternally with you. And that is a perfect scene. Accompanied by some tasty cheetos.
Ugh. Some people at work can be so retarded. You snooze you lose, with the cake, in my opinion.
That tub picture is grossing me out.
The Mad Men fantasy is perfect.
Someone complained about not getting a piece of cake?????? And how large is the department? Make sure that weinie gets a really SMALL, SMALL piece next time.
How does Fatness feel about your relationship with Don?
Yes, someone complained about being left out, some douche. So now the decision is no cake at all.
Dept. is around 100.
Fatness allows my fantasies, to a certain point.
I'm with Erica...Cheetos are just deep fried Mac-n-Cheese...all gross.
Don is fine, except for the fact that he always has that i've-got-a-pencil-stuck-up-my-butt look on his face.
Go back to Daniel Craig or Clive Owen and remember Don, in real time, is an old fat guy with a doo-rag, on a Harley.
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