Same sex partners, do not give up. There will be a day, when your civil right to marriage will not be prohibited because of your sexual orientation. I do believe that bigotry and discrimination are really born of fear, fear of something different from us. It is a sad thing, that in this 21st century we are still dealing with ignorance in the name of calling it a moral issue.
It's simple actually, we, none of us have the right under any circumstances to tell someone else how they will live their life. I have a gay brother. I can't imagine telling him that 1. he can't marry his partner of 10 years and 2. it's because it will cause my marriage to become less relevant.
We have come a long way from slavery, Japanese internment camps, allowing women and African Americans to vote and the LDS Church not allowing African Americans to have the priesthood. We just took a huge step backward.
I believe one day, our brothers and sisters who were BORN gay will be able to marry the person they love.
Amen to all of that, sistah. And I love what Fatness has to say about it.
You tell 'em, Michelle. I concur 100%
Fatness is the oracle of our time. He speaks truth.
And hopefully sooner than later. I don't think this issue is dying out any time soon, like some folks wish it would.
There is just so much wrong with what is happening in the world. It will come back to bite the members of these right-wing, fundamentalist churches. I simply try to focus on the 48% who opposed Prop 8.
Thank you for your wisdom and compassion, Michelle. Just 2 more reasons why I love you. Brad is very lucky.
This whole thing has had me so discouraged. I've been composing a letter to email to the women in the local ward. Oh, they'll love me for it, I'm sure. But too bad. I'm so disgusted with it and if I can just get one person to realize how wrong this is...
I think anytime we have an opportunity to "educate" narrow minds is a good thing. Kris, write away.
Good to hear from you Mike.
lol to "oracle of our time"
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