This is a great idea. For those of you who would like to play along tonight click here to print out your play card, there are 4 versions with phrases like "glass ceiling" "maverick" "Wasilla" "bad guys" "ummm" and "maritime border."
Every time Palin uses a phrase or word check your box. Some are doing it as a drinking game too, maybe Tim and I will do shots of Root beer, however, Tim won't find any of this funny because he is mesmerized by the Governor's beauty and cup size.
Hopefully Biden will be careful with the gaffes and allow Sarah plenty of time to speak her mind. I can't wait.
I love this. A neighbor is coming over to watch the debate with me so we'll play. Not sure what our 'prize" will be... maybe we'll eat almonds instead of drinking root beer or other....
I'm afraid the bar has been set so low that by just showing up Palin will wow the conservative base. I'm to a point however, where there is nothing she could say/do that would make me feel her remotely qulified for the office - we've seen too much of her lack of knowledge/critical thinking skills. If she does well, it will just be her repeating whatever she's been fed to memorize...
I can't stand listening to her folksy speech patterns...
that's fer sher
just a cravin' it...
you betcha
we need to go get 'em
good lord, she sounds like annie oakley
And it would be nice if she'd actually answer the questions Gwen asks, instead of the question she wishes were asked...
My my my, she shur can poor it on. She is hitting the folksy angle harrrrd, I think she mentioned "soccer mom" within 10 seconds of the beginning of the debate. She isn't answering the questions! Shur is looking down at her notes a lot.
I hope after Nov. 4th I never have to hear those hard R'ssss again.
I think I got bingo in her first two sentences.
I also think the bar was set so low for Sarah, lots of people were easily impressed by her just showing up and sounding even the least bit prepared.
First impressions:
Did she ever really answer any of the questions? Really?
How many times can one person say 'Maverick'?
WHY is it so difficult to pronounce NUCLEAR correctly??
I only caught about 10 minutes of the debate, btw. lol.
Blah, blah, blah
Why can't we have a Michelle vs. Cindy debate? Let's talk real economics like, Cindy: "Girlfriend, where did you find those awful shoes?", Michelle: "Your mama's Estate Sale."
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