
Party Highlights

Erica embarrassed us all when she loudly demanded a glittery sombrero and patriotic ukulele.

This is where we sang happy birthday for the 2nd time, she wanted a 3rd but I put I stop to it.

Texas sheet cake might have been shoved into this open mouth to end the crying jag.

Texas sheet cake could end wars and bring world peace.

Her favorite Aunt Chris, made the Texas sheet cake and gave her the Hello Kitty birthday sticker, what more is needed for a birthday party?


Ashley Rae said...

Looks like a fun party- I love the sombrero. Erica looks so cute. Seriously- how is she so damn skinny?

Anonymous said...

LOVE the sombrero.... Only thing missing was a kitty wearing a sombrero

Anonymous said...

Good idea, Allison. As Abby said about the ukelele (sp?)..."she's lucky she gets to hold a pretty, guitar of colors." Abby would have taken that thing home in a second.

Poor Sween! Not getting what you want 24/7 can produce much FUSS.

Hope Caca had a good time. Her mother bought out the entire Target Women's section for her. :) :)

Malia said...

Rositas! It looked like a fun birthday!

Ashley, scholars have been trying to find an answer to that for years.

Michelle said...

Malia it just wasn't the same without you.

Sween was perfect, fuss or not.

Ashley, Caca was born skinny.

Alli do you have a miniature cat sombrero?

Erica said...

That sombrero was VERY suspect. But what a fun night! Thank you again everyone!