Beautiful bridesmaids. They thanked me for giving birth to Erica.

Erica and her Daddy (in the dressing room)

..with her sister Hailey

"Oh, I need to put on my garter!"

Cousin Abby who sweetly (and on her own) sent Eri an email the morning of her wedding, explaining how excited she was to be her flower girl.

Be Happy Be Blessed Be Watched Over
You are radiant.
Zach Loves You
I am at peace.

SUCH an amazingly beautiful bride and I've never seen a happier groom. It was such a joyful, happy evening!! Nice pics, Michelle...how has the aftermath been for Mama of Caca??
Oh, the day reeked of perfection...but in a good kind of reek...not the way that reek usually sounds.
I got chills walking down the aisle and through the whole ceremony. Everyone could just feel their love for each otehr. I feel very blessed to be a part of that day. It will forever be one of the favorite days of my life.
Two very amazing people...a blessed union. It was fun getting to hang out more with you too michelle.
Oh, thanks for posting some picutres so quickly! I wish I could have been there....
I just love the use of lemons - the weather looked perfect, Erica looks radiant and Zach crazy in love.
Did you get to enjoy the day? Or were you running around trying to make sure things were handled? A daughter's wedding day is may be just as big a day for the mom of the bride : ) I hope it was perfection for you too.
The day was not too confusing, we had some problems with the chair covers and had to reorder nicer chairs 4 hours before the wedding! Thank goodness the coordinator was there to handle it all. It was a great day with perfect weather...the d.j. was completely horrible...more on that later.
p.s. The aftermath is fine, I was completely exhausted on Sat night tho. Chris thanks again for staying to help clean up...and to all the SWEET bridesmaids THANK YOU!
Case..I also enojoyed getting to spend more time with you.
I finally had a good cry Friday night at about 12:30. Tim was working down in his office and I couldn't sleep, so I went downstairs and bawled for about 10 minutes...it felt good.
Great pictures, and Erica was more beautiful than even these pictures can capture! I'll be posting soon, hope I have some pictures you can steal. Perfect night and we will always remember it.
Didnt notice the bad DJ - the dancing was fun and I loved that they walked out to "Ilene" So, whats the DJ story?
The story is, he was more worried about his food consumption than the wedding. He never did the song dedication to my father and he played songs that Erica didn't want. He rushed them at the end of the reception and he charged his tablecloths to my visa. He was sending children back and forth to get food for him all night...and he did a shameless plug during the reception of his services and business cards. I would never use him again.
That was such a beautifull day! Iam glad you already posted pics bacause I am embarrassed to admit that I didn't even get my camera out! I am so glad I was able to be a part of it all!
The DJ was pretty bad, I hope nobody ever uses him again! We finally had to put a stop to his food consumption because he ate atleast thirty Kabobs!
WOW, if I had known he was eating that much I would have said something. Heidi thanks again for your wonderful food, of course you didn't get your camera out because you didn't have time! At least a dozen people told me how good everything was, especially the cake.
She looks beautiful. The wedding decor is absolutely fabulous... the perfect day for the perfect bride. This makes me happy :)
Everything was perfect. I love all of the pictures you took Michelle, they're so fun! The food was delish Heidi and I loved all of the floral arrangements, especially the centerpieces, so cute! You looked great Michelle and you kept it together, it was a very special day. I can't wait to talk to Erica when she gets back!
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