Zach said, in a hushed almost sacred frantic whisper, "turn to page 189." I silently prayed "please God let there be a photo of Fatness." My quaking fingers turned the hallowed pages.

We gathered to watch the newlyweds open gifts. This is a picture of Erica looking down at 29 cookbooks, wondering if she could use them as doorstops or spray paint them for bookends.

Zach's mother demonstrating the convenience of cooler-with-wheels. This is one of 7, Target failed to update the registry. Zach said "you can never have too many."

This is the only time I saw Erica excited about her wedding gifts.

Lol, I love that picture of Erica. Nothing like cold hard cash. I'm sad that the festivities are over...
Dumb Target and their cooler snafu. I'll bet Jeri will take them off her hands.....
Gift opening day is a blast. Did she receive any unexpected, fun gifts? Some of my favorites from my wedding were items I hadn't put on the registry, but someone (Coy Wood) splurged and bought me a sterling silver platter and another person a beautiful bowl - unique and artsy.
Of course she recieved unexpected cool gifts, like mirror chotskies, that she will have no idea what to do with. BTW Erica, dont cash our check yet. - jk
Michelle, hope you enforced the "Mother of the bride chooses one gift" rule???
My favorite presents were our Playstation 2 and cash- so we could buy games for our Playstation 2.
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