Silly picture taking, especially Halloween ghouls. I directed them to act "afraid."
Impressionism. Monet and Renoir are my favorites.

Children and laughing. No one makes me laugh harder than Erica and Griffin.
Soothing rooms. Decorating is a small passion of mine.

Hydrangeas, my favorite flower. Look at their brilliance! This was in Seattle where I was visiting Alli.
Books. I love you.

CATS, should be worshipped.


Movies. The first movie I remember going to a theatre to see was "The Sound Of Music" I fell in love with sitting in the dark and being transported.

Traveling. This is in Canada, amazingly beautiful.
I enjoyed seeing your list. These things are very gratifying. I like the scary ghouls. And traveling is very gratifying for me, as well. Obviously I need to have you come decorate my house...
I'm wondering if the Hunsaker family is trying to single-handedly keep BYU afloat with their licensed clothing purchases. I believe I see at least 8 different BYU clothing items, and suspect I'd see more if you are all posed in a line.
Kristin, we were ALL decked out in it. My skin burned as I donned that sweatshirt.
I love hydrangeas!! They don't grow here for crap (of course), they are so gorgeous.
I want to visit Canada someday, or anywhere cool for that matter.
I need to check out the Willa Cather books.
Chris, maybe you should come up here as well. You and Michelle... and Kristin and me.... we could all take a weekend trip to Victoria, BC to see the gardens : )
Loved the list Michelle....
What a great idea! Wouldn't that be fun, the 4 of us. We must do it.
Kris we were all wearing the t-shirts for my Dad's birthday...Chris is a Utah grad so she was not pleased, and I have no good memories of BYU.
A good happy post to help with the bad day yesterday. I love the picture of you by the lake, beautiful!
Yes, exactly, today is a much better day. My hair isn't flat and I'm staying away from the evil vending machine that takes your money and then teases you with making your barbecue chips stick and not drop.
That chip story is straight out of The Office, lol.
Let's go to Canada with Kris and Allison, stat. I'm sick of this furnace once and for all.
Bitchin' Sis
Michelle you are in the middle of the woods and your wearing a cable knit sweater! I have yet to see you in sweats! I laughed out loud at Abby's face when she was to act, "afraid."
Hydrangeas are my favorite too! They were in my wedding bouquet. Love the list. Sound of Music is amazing.
Malia, sweats make me look 4'3" and besides I don't exercise or jog.
Hello Dani, nice to hear from you.
Okay girls, I'm in. When are we going? I can do weekend trips just about any time. Lets go while it's still hot in AZ and before it gets too cold in BC. We'll go to the gardens and maybe even have tea. Let's go.
Chris make it happen, does Mike have any 3 day weekends coming up?
I'm available any weekend in September, and the first weekend October. Ashley is coming for a visit the 2nd weekend of October and I have other commitments the next two weeks....
Let's do this! : )
Southwest has Internet Special fares right now for $99 each way to Seattle.... how about Friday, September 28 - October 1st?
Or October 5 - 8?
Come on... be spontaneous... let's do it before the fares go up!!
No good memories of BYU???! HUH? I have countless, and they all include YOU: flying paper airplanes in the Joseph Smith Auditorium during a lecture to 500+ freshmen, cramming at the Harold B. Lee the night before exams, dinners at the luxurious Heritage Halls apartment, laughing at your roommates, the list goes on and on. Shame on you.
Mike! Yes you are right, however the ONLY good memories usually involved you and making fun of my roommates. That first year was just magical wasn't it. Didn't you work in the cafeteria with Debbie?
Alli, I will get with Chris and see if we can pull this off.
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