Erica and Chris, here it is.
My blog title refers to K-4th grade where I sat for the class pictures because I was, yes, the shortest one in the class. We were lined up against a wall, execution style, while the teacher measured us. No measuring needed with me, the teacher simply said, "Michelle upfront!" It was in 4th grade that Jackie joined my class. I loved Jackie because she was an inch shorter than me and mildly weird. It was like the short fairy granted me one year of not being teased for being a "shrimp." Well that year Jackie sat in the first seat, first row.
My blog title refers to K-4th grade where I sat for the class pictures because I was, yes, the shortest one in the class. We were lined up against a wall, execution style, while the teacher measured us. No measuring needed with me, the teacher simply said, "Michelle upfront!" It was in 4th grade that Jackie joined my class. I loved Jackie because she was an inch shorter than me and mildly weird. It was like the short fairy granted me one year of not being teased for being a "shrimp." Well that year Jackie sat in the first seat, first row.
I just peed my pants as an homage to time told tradition started in Holbrook in 1980. Poor Jackie. What she lacked in height, she made up in forehead. Michelle, you were darling as a child. I can feel Don and Donna proud smiles all the way over in Pennsylvania.
I did my 3 foot best to live up to those Hewlett Elementary standards.
I will never forget peeing my pants on the Hensley trampoline, thank you Bro. Mike.
YAY!! A celebration is in order for the beginning of your much anticipated blog. I shall add you to my links.
You deserve to be in the front row because you are the cutest!
YAYYYY! Michelle's blog is up and running. I am popping the cork of an imaginary bottle of bubbly. :D
I love the title, the pink background and everything. Now, I hope you update yours more than I do mine!
(I was always the shortest, too. It sucked. People always acted like I was an end table and rested their elbows on top of my head.)
LOL yes, the elbows on the head. I'm still handicapped with this new toy and mainly swearing a lot.
I hope my blog can live up to Tartraz and Learning the Instrument, it's a tall order.
I am very much looking forward to the potential of this blog. I'm afraid this first year is going to be a lot of stress and sleepless nights...welcome.
Former Blogger, M-Dizzle
Short people need to stick together. I was often among the shortest in my classes in Salt Lake, but it was special to find a best friend who was shorter than me : )
So... I see that peeing your pants started at a young age then? I remember more than one episode of that on our special "corner" as teenagers....
Love the blog. I may be inspired by you to start my own.
You should start your own blog, I bet you even have a scanner and wouldn't have to take pictures of pictures...as Mike pointed out.
Yes Allison start a blog!
Erica, you have no right to implore anyone to start a blog when your last entry was during the Reagan administration! We need your guidance on Fife! I'm like a ship without a rudder...
Mike, you are so out of the loop she has a new blog "Tartraz" now get reading and keep up.
Mike effing Redford, I am offended that you are not in the know of tartraz; the most narcissistic and boring blog on earth.
Which I update almost daily I'll have you know.
"We were lined up against a wall, execution style, while the teacher measured us."
haha! that's a nice way to dicribe it!
<3 Morgan
p.s. I Love Michelle
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