
Happy day 7

I'm happy that:

I only work 3 days a week with a day off in between, Caca thinks I'm a spoiled brat with my new work schedule.

My co worker gives me afternoon snacks, today it was chocolate covered peanuts and a grilled chicken wing.

Yesterday I did absolutely nothing except catch up on periodicals and finish my 900 page book "The Historian." (I carefully placed cleaning solvents around the house and the vacuum cleaner out, to trick Tim into thinking I had been working hard all day).

I don't have the Swine Flu.


Chris said...

I wonder if I have the swine flu? Maybe I better quarantine myself with movies and magazines and internet until it passes...

That piglet!!!!! I want him in my backyard eating scraps.

Tim doesn't care that you're not cleaning because you had a nice hot meal waiting for him....

Erica said...

lol that piglet! He is so innocent, he would never pass on the swine flu. Loves.

and you are spoiled. I wish I had your same schedule and we spent our days of lunching and shopping.

Ashley Rae said...

That is an adorable piglet. I want one.

I'm siding with Erica. You're spoiled. But I'm happy for you.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Okay, I'm random, but I don't know anyone else that has read The Historian besides me. What did you think? Did you like it? Wasn't it a little too long? Didn't it make you want to go to Istanbul?

allicat said...

LOL to the Sween Flu :)

Michelle said...

My sis Chris has read it and currently Caca is reading it. Yes it is long, but keep in mind a historian wrote it and it took her 5 years because of her ridiculous meticulous research. Yes, it made me want to go to Istanbul it also made me own up to my horrible geography retardation, I had to keep referring back to the map supplied in the book "okay, now where in the hell is Turkey again?" I couldn't even tell you if North Dakota is anywhere near South Dakota. I enjoyed the book, but at times felt like homework. I did like Helen the most, her boyfriend seemed like a twit however. I look forward to the movie, should be released in 2010..

Chris said...

Haha I didn't even notice the sween flu--so true.

btw, Mike thinks posting cute piglet pics is an innapropriate response to a pandemic.

Erica said...

lol lol Mike. Zach thinks it's overblown ridiculousness. "The regular flu killed 13,000 people last year."

Not sure how accurate his facts are.